A mini conference hall
- A mini conference hall with state of art facility is made to cater the needs of small conferences and daily reporting. Officers briefing and d briefing is done in the conference hall.
- With seating capacity of 22.
- Wooden flooring, Air-conditioning and acoustic is done. Projector is installed.

A well equipped library
- Keeping in view the importance of self-study a library well equipped with basic law books along with- advanced law book is an added advantage.
- Library consists of 24000 books excluding.
- Personality development, literature, language, art and culture books are also made.
- Books audio visuals are also part of library.
- E library project is also in pipeline.
- Reading hall has the capacity of 140.
- Total 775 DVDs of various experts’ videos and Police related subjects.

A well equipped cyber lab
- Keeping in view the importance of rising trend in cyber-crime a well-equipped cyber lab is made available to provide expertise to trainees and in-service trainees in cyber offences investigation and Current trends in cyber-crime.
- The lab is having 30 computers.
- Cyber investigation tools, applications and software’s are installed for practical training.
- I.T. literacy programme for teachers and administrative staff.
- E-learning made compulsory for all teaching staff.
- Govt has approved new cyber lab proposal in which 60 computers and all related infrastructure are being provided.
- Videos, Documents & PPT’s of experts provided to all officers at their e-mail.

Innovative drill nursery
- Innovative steps has been taken to give basic outdoor training.
- Salute,march,savdhan vishram and drill improvement is the major area where drill nursery- act as a best trainers to trainees.
- Amazing corrective measures are made available in the form of mechanics and mirror.

Practical training forensic lab
- Forensic lab to conduct practical training on evidence collection, preservation of evidence and processing of evidence is made available.
- Different crime scenes are created to teach the trainees to get acquainted with various types of offences and forensic evidence collection.

Horse riding training
- Horse riding training is given to gazatted officers during induction training.
- New horse stable building is constructed.
- There are 6 horses of different breeds.
- Trainees are being trained by Well qualified trainers.

Rock Climbing Wall ”” Outdoor Proposal
The Outdoor Rock Climbing Wall should offer the following facilities:
- Top Roping Climbing ”” a safe technique of climbing for beginners where the climber supported from and anchor on top and belayer is anchored on ground.
- Lead climbing ”” a technique used by advance climbers who anchor themselves as they go along the assent.
- Rappelling ”” A technique of controlled decent, most enjoyable and spectacular activity apart from being most useful for sliding down a building face.
- Dimensions and Type ”” It should be 10 to 12 m high and at least 1.5m wide for each simultaneous climber. To reduce cost the super structure should obtain support strength from an existing building / Wall which has concrete pillars for anchorage. The shape of the wall should lend itself to practice.

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Sed at lacus vitae augue egestas pulvinar ultricies nec nisi. In aliquet velit sed eros facilisis, in tempus eros imperdiet. Aenean mollis urna aliquet orci placerat porttitor. Aenean tincidunt urna sed faucibus sodales. Donec sit amet eros eros. Duis volutpat arcu at efficitur molestie. Pellentesque gravida dolor risus, a sollicitudin arcu euismod sit amet.
Curabitur dapibus at felis quis interdum. Etiam at elementum ligula. Aliquam efficitur ante eget viverra molestie. Donec rutrum tellus a ex accumsan varius. Etiam aliquam libero et finibus finibus. Cras vel nunc eget metus fringilla consectetur. Aenean sed lacinia turpis. Nullam porttitor lobortis mauris at blandit. Quisque aliquam diam felis, at fermentum metus dignissim in. Mauris sagittis dolor sed venenatis scelerisque.

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Sed at lacus vitae augue egestas pulvinar ultricies nec nisi. In aliquet velit sed eros facilisis, in tempus eros imperdiet. Aenean mollis urna aliquet orci placerat porttitor. Aenean tincidunt urna sed faucibus sodales. Donec sit amet eros eros. Duis volutpat arcu at efficitur molestie. Pellentesque gravida dolor risus, a sollicitudin arcu euismod sit amet.
Curabitur dapibus at felis quis interdum. Etiam at elementum ligula. Aliquam efficitur ante eget viverra molestie. Donec rutrum tellus a ex accumsan varius. Etiam aliquam libero et finibus finibus. Cras vel nunc eget metus fringilla consectetur. Aenean sed lacinia turpis. Nullam porttitor lobortis mauris at blandit. Quisque aliquam diam felis, at fermentum metus dignissim in. Mauris sagittis dolor sed venenatis scelerisque.

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