Significance of Emblem

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The blue colour and the star traditionally symbolises the Police.The double circle indicates a shield signifying protection.The hand is in ” Abhaya Mudra “ indicating firm assurance of protection against evil-doers.
Description of The Flag

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The Flag was presented by Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India on 2nd January 1961. Its description is as follows: The Flag is made of bluewoollen bunting cloth, 3 -½’x 5’.Thefringe as well as the letters of the emblem are worked in silver.The cord is 6’ long in blue colour with silver thread twisted. The two ends of the cord will end in heavy silver and blue tassels.The Flag and the cord will be carried in a detachable wooden staff 7’-6“ long and 1 -½” in diameter, the staff being made of strong polished wood, stained black.
The lower end of the staff carries silver ferrule 2“ long, and its upper end has got Ashok Pillar.The blue colour and the star traditionally symbolises the Police.The double circle indicates a shield signifying protection.The hand is in ” Abhaya Mudra “ indicating firm assurance of protection against evil-doers.The blue colour and the star traditionally symbolises the Police.The double circle indicates a shield signifying protection.The hand is in ” Abhaya Mudra “ indicating firm assurance of protection against evil-doers.

5th February 1990 was a red letter day for Police Training College Nasik. Not only was the college renamed asMaharashtra Police Academy but another great honour was bestowed on the institution.
Thought behind the Flag
The Maharashtra Police Academy logo is placed on the leftof the flag. The logo itself consists of the National Emblem (Ashoka) at the top, “SatyamevJayate” at the base of the Ashoka Emblem, a floral wreath placed below it and the State Police Flag is in the centre of the wreath.
A lamp which symbolize Enlightenment is on the right.
The flag is coloured Red, Blue and Yellow which symbolize the traditional Police Colours.
Mission statement of Maharastra Police Academy
Maharashtra Police Academy is dedicated to the cause of preparing leaders for the Maharashtra Police who will lead the force with courage, righteousness, sincerity and a strong will to uphold the law and the Constitution and serve the people.
The Academy will infuse values of integrity, dedication, respect for rights of all persons, sense of justice, need for maintaining physical fitness, mental alertness at all times and a strong sense of desire to serve the community.
The Academy will sensitize the officers to the emerging challenges and kindle a spirit of innovating solutions in the service of the people. The Academy will build a strong urge to uphold the di9gnity of service in the officers.
The Academy will serve as a centre for excellence and good practice and offer operational research on police subjects. The Academy will also focus on providing training to the trainers of the state so that they remain in constant touch with the latest training practices.
A thousand Police officers and men from all the units of the State Police were drawn up on the inspection line in “Mass” Modified to a certain extent to suit the configuration of the parade ground. The officer to receive the flag, Mr. R. Balakrishnan, Assistant Superintendent of Police and the escort were stationed in the centre of the parade in line with front line.
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In addition to the armed Police of the State, other ancillary units such as women police, policemen of the wireless branch with walkie-talkie sets, traffic police-both foot and vehicle- officers, men and dogs of the Dog Squad were on parade. The parade was commanded by Mr. ,J.J.Jameson, Superintendent from Bombay City Police, Mr.R.V.Shinde, Deputy Superintendent from the State Reserve Police Force acting as second-in-command. The massed band of State Police units was formed up on one flank of the parade ground. The band was drawn from 8 different Police units. They were in the ceremonial dress of blue beret, while tunic in the case of Bombay City Police, red tunic in the case of bandmen of the different districts, blue knickerbockers, white spats and black boots. The band consisted of both pipes and brass. The new flag, cased in its cover, was carried by an officer with an escort and stationed on the flank opposite to that where the band was stationed.
After the ceremony the Prime Minister returned to the saluting base. The officer, bearing the flag, and the escort turnedabout and marched towards the parade while the band played slow march and the parade presented arms. On reaching the place in the parade the party turned about and the escort presented arms. Then the whole parade sloped arms ordered arms.
The officer commanding the parade reported to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister theninspected the parade in a jeep and later addressed the parade.
Mr.Y.B.Chavan,Chief Minister,signing the original design of the Maharashtra police flag, (from leftto right) Mr. K. J. Nanavatty IP Inspector General of Police,Maharashtra State Shri. Sri Prakasa,Governor of Maharashtra, SardarBakshiDuleep Singh,Sheriff of Bombay and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India.
The parade at Shivaji Park, Bombay, was witnessed by about 20,000 people in addition to about 1,500 invitees. It lasted for one hour and ten minutes. A running commentary was rendered on the All India Radio by Mr. S.P. Marathe IPS, Principal of Police Training School, Nasik and Mr. S.G. Gokhale IPS, Superintendent of Police, Kolhapur.
The then Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Presenting Maharashtra Police Flag on 2nd January 1961
The Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, accompanied by the Governor, Shri Sri Prakasa and the Chief Minster of Maharashtra, Mr. Y.B.Chavan arrived at the Shivaji Park at 08.00 hrs.
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The Prime Minister was received by Mr. K. J. Nanavatty IP, Inspector General of Police and Mr. V. G.Kanetkar IP, Additional Inspector General and Commissioner of Police, Bombay and was conducted to the saluting base.
The massed band from the flank then marched in slow time to the other flank where the encased flag was stationed and counter marched to the centre of the parade ground with the flag and its escort. Leaving them in the centre, the Band came to its original position. Eight drummers consisting of six side drummers, one base drummer and one tenor drummer were separate from the band and were filed in the centre. The encased flag was brought near the drummers by its escort. The Commissioner of Police uncased the flag and laid it on the drums. The Prime Minister proceeded towards the flag and the Inspector General of Police handed over the flag to the Prime Minister. The officer R.Balakrishnan IPS, Assistant Superintendent of Police, receiving the flag took a step forward and knelt on one knee. The Prime Minister then put the flag in the socket of the flag belt of the officer.
Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru addressing the parade at Shivaji Park, Bombay, said “Policemen of Maharashtra!
I am glad to be present on this occasion of the presentation to the Maharashtra Police, of a new Police Flag which is a symbol for the State Police.”
“You all know that police work is very arduous, full of responsibility and has a close relation with the public. There are occasions, of course, when the public are dissatisfied or annoyed with the police work. For the efficient discharge of the work, several things become necessary. First of all, we should possess, discipline. All of us, particularly those working in the Police and Army should be guided by some high principles. The special feature of the police work is that it has a relation with the public. Police work can be discharged well only when public co-operation is available or when there are good relations between the police and the public. Police work consists of ensuring public safety and security, catching criminals and prosecuting them. These things are possible only when the public are inclined to support the police out of love and friendship. If the police have no public support, their work cannot be done successfully.”
“Police work no doubt is such that the public feel puzzled sometimes and the police occasionally get a bad name. SeveralKinds of complaints are made against them yet wherever the police officers and men do good work, the public respect them and give them their co-operation. There are often complaints that policemen take bribes and that they do not perform their duties honestly. This is utterly undesirable, as you all know,and is against the prestige of the police. A responsible man should be particular in keeping himself above such complaints. A policeman has great responsibilities and powers and to misuse power is bad for himself and his department. It gives a bad name to the profession.Therefore, every policeman should remember that he has to keep the prestige and respect of his force; if this is done, the public will have respect and love for him.”
“The new flag, for the presentation of which you have all collectedhere, has been presented to you and has become anemblem for the State Police. You should honour it; in otherwords, you should discharge your duties firmly and efficiently and earn a good name for your force and for the country”.
After the address was over, the parade gave three cheers to the Prime Minister. Forming up “in mass” the parade marched past in quick time. After the conclusion of the ceremony, the Prime Minister, the Governor, the Chief Minister, the Inspector-General of Police and the Principal, J.J. School of Art, who designed the flag, appended their signatures below the original design of the Police Flag.